One Day One Life - The Art Of Transformation Stacking

5 Steps To Creating the "Go To" Weight Loss Plan

April 12, 2022 Glenn Lovelace Season 1 Episode 16

In this episode Glenn dives into a 5 step process he learned from years ago.

He has since added all kinds of variations and content to it to support you in your weight loss goals.

He's had countless friends drop 30-50 lbs in three to four months completely coaching and navigating this process all by themselves.

Refine it as you go BUT this is a fool proof process that works every time.

Here's the steps:
#1 - Set a Goal
#2 - Create a Plan
#3 - Track Progress
#4 - Stay Motivated
#5 - Help Others

Listen in for very specific steps and bonus ideas to help you reach your goal as effortlessly as possibly by deciding ahead of time.

Any questions - please ask.