One Day One Life - The Art Of Transformation Stacking

How to Hit the Reset Button - More Energy & Focus - Part I

September 15, 2022 Glenn Lovelace Season 1 Episode 19

You guys are probably going to be very new to this RESET BUTTON. I've been using it for about 3 years now and I cannot believe what it has done for my health - mind, body and spirit.

If you can get that edge whenever you need it and then compound those actions over years and years the RESULTS are unbelievable and you truly become UNSTOPPABLE.

Want to know what it is? Well it's a form of meditation introduced to be my Dave Sparks, @HeavyDSparks on his Podcast - The Heavy Checklist. The episode I'm referring to is Episode 14: Hypnotized (With Mike Olsen).

If you fast forward to minute 47 of Dave's Podcast you can dive right into a guided experience with Mike, Dave, Kenneth Thompson and Marcus Wing.

I give additional ideas for creating more energy. When I talk with high performing clients of mine they all seem to crash early afternoon so we're constantly creating Good Better BEST scenarios where they can quickly jump to what they need so they can continue producing RESULTS in their day.

This is only Part I to this so be watching for part II.

Talk more soon,
