One Day One Life - The Art Of Transformation Stacking
One Day One Life - The Art Of Transformation Stacking
Episode 32 - How To Create And Be A "Marriage Millionaire"
In this episode Glenn addresses a few of the problems he's seen in marriages through his coaching the past few weeks and then he identifies a few ways to help you create a top 10% Marriage.
Obviously comparing marriage to money is a little bit shallow BUT the point is that most would agree they'd like to have success and to some, success is 7 figures plus...this "marriage millionaire" is simply an attempt to provide humor and possible mindset considerations to creating a successful marriage but in a fun or new way.
Every marriage is different.
Never compare your norm to other relationships and their norms. Do your work with your spouse.
Pay close attention to the questions and invitations offered up in this marriage episode and then slow down and do the work by answering the questions. If you dare, then take the next step and have some conversations with your wife - this is what she wants from you.
If you struggle with how to deliver these types of conversations or your anxious about how she will receive you then let's address that by doing some additional work together.
We hope you enjoy this episode...and like always if Glenn can help you please reach out to him on instagram @ItsYourWingman or my going to his website glennlovelace.com and scheduling a complimentary call to get some coaching and mentoring. Every one needs a WINGMAN. Glenn always says - your goal is my goal - and he's completely serious about helping you reach for and achieve your goals.
See you on the next one.